Grief Counseling in Cary, NC

Experiencing the loss of a loved one, friend, or even co-worker can wreak havoc in your life, especially if the loss was unexpected or traumatic in nature. Anytime you’re dealing with the loss of someone in your life, seeking grief counseling and spending time with a trusted therapist can help you navigate your emotions, reactions, and responses to the event. 

With the right grief counselor in Cary, NC, you can learn to better identify and cope with grief-related emotions to work towards facing and accepting the loss without feeling emotionally and mentally incapable of doing so on your own.

grief therapist cary nc

How Does Grief & Loss Counseling Work?

Confronting and accepting the loss of a friend or loved one is never easy, even if you’ve lost others you loved and cared about in the past. With ongoing grief and loss counseling from a qualified therapist in Cary, NC, you can expect the following:

Feeling welcomed and accepted in a non-judgmental space is crucial to ensure you can get the most out of your therapy with any counselor or therapist you choose to work with after a loss.

Understanding the basics of grief and what the process entails is also vital to making a complete recovery. Knowing the stages of grief, including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, can also help you remind yourself that you are experiencing emotions and responses that are natural and normal after a loss. You will also become more acquainted with common emotions you’re likely to experience as you work through counseling sessions with a qualified grief therapist or counselor.

Overcoming grief after a loss is not as simple as flipping a switch. Working with a trusted therapist will help you learn to better incorporate grief coping strategies that will allow you to remain as healthy, stable, and productive as possible while accepting the loss.

From planning a celebration of life for your loved one to finding a way to commemorate the loss of someone special to you, the healing process will require working through emotions and finding peace and solace after someone close to you is no longer there.

Get Started with Us

Our team is ready to help. Please contact us for more information.
2500 Regency Parkway, Cary, NC 27518
(410) 884-6031

Who Can Benefit From Grief Counseling?

Grief counseling is beneficial to almost anyone who has suffered a significant loss. Those who are most likely to benefit from ongoing counseling from a grief therapist in Cary, NC, may have recently experienced a loss involving:

  • A partner or spouse: Losing a lifelong partner or spouse can be devastating and life-altering, especially when the loss was completely unexpected or, in some cases, even accidental.
  • Children: Losing a child or experiencing the loss of a baby can overwhelm anyone, regardless of their personality, experience, and ability to cope with difficult hardships. Seeing a counselor for loss is essential anytime someone has experienced the loss of a child or baby at any age.
  • Parents: Although part of life, losing a parent is never easy to experience or accept, especially when you’ve developed a close bond with your parents as you’ve grown. Seeing a grief therapist can help sort and accept emotions as you learn to rework your way of life without the matriarch or patriarch of your family any longer.
  • Close friends: Losing a close friend or companion at any stage of life can be extremely jarring. Seeing a counselor for your loss is a way to face your emotions while coping with the absence of someone who is extremely important to you each day.

CBT, also known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, has been proven to be a highly effective therapy method, especially for those grieving a loss. CBT therapy can help through:

  • Confronting Emotions: Confronting emotions and difficult thoughts involving the loss of your friend or loved one is a part of CBT therapy. The more you are capable of facing uncomfortable feelings and emotions head-on, the easier it’ll be for you to finally cope and heal over time.
  • Coping Mechanisms: CBT offers an array of coping mechanisms in its own toolbox. With CBT, you may find it much easier to confront the anxiety, stress, and even signs of depression you experience after a loss.
  • Emotional Regulation: Ongoing CBT therapy sessions with a trusted counselor will help you better identify emotions and regulate them, especially in times of grief and stress.
During a grief counseling session with a qualified therapist in Cary, NC, you can expect:

  • Assessment: An initial assessment will be provided to get to know you better and to assess your emotional and psychological needs based on the significance of your recent loss.
  • Learning Techniques: You will work with a therapist to determine which techniques may be suitable for you based on your needs and the goals you’re interested in setting and accomplishing as they relate to your loss.
  • Ongoing Check-Ins: You will likely require ongoing sessions to ensure you’re coping with your recent loss appropriately without putting relationships, work, or your current routine at risk.


Facing grief head-on is not always easy, but it is possible with the help of the right grief therapist. If you’re dealing with the sudden loss of a loved one, and you’re unsure of how to cope or navigate your life without them by your side, seeking counseling and ongoing therapy is highly recommended. 

grief counseling cary nc

Get in Contact With Us Today!

To find a suitable grief therapist who is right for you in Cary, NC, contact Focused Solutions to learn more about our grief therapy sessions today. We also provide trauma therapy in Cary, NC.