Counseling for Veterans in Cary, NC

At Focused Solutions in Cary, NC, we believe every veteran deserves to live a happy, joyous life free of depression, anxiety, worry, or trauma. For every therapist, counselor, and consultant at our practice, ensuring a veteran gets the care they deserve while also taking much-needed steps to improve their mental health is paramount. That’s why Cary, NC veterans value our trauma counseling and therapy sessions. They understand we’ll lend a compassionate ear and work with them to resolve any mental health issues or transition problems they face.

A therapist in Cary, NC from Focused Solutions is a highly-trained, experienced, and compassionate trauma specialist who focuses on a healing-based approach to helping the people entrusted in their care. Whether you’re the veteran who is having a problem finding employment, the veteran who is finding the transition back to normal life difficult, or the veteran who needs guidance and support in interpersonal relationships, our therapists and counselors are ready to help.

counseling for veterans cary nc

Discover Supportive Counseling Services for Veterans

Our mindfulness meditation in Cary, NC is just one part of a comprehensive solution offering we provide to help veterans improve their mental health. We also offer counseling for veterans who find their integration back into civilian life a little more challenging than they originally thought.

The counseling support we offer our veterans is ultimately about providing them with the best possible assistance they can find. It’s not about doing things for them. Instead, it’s about listening to their experiences, empathizing with their current struggles, and empowering them to make substantive life changes so that they can take on any challenge.

For a Cary, NC veteran who has recently left the service, going from a structured and regimented lifestyle to civilian life can represent several challenges. They leave behind status and rank and must deal with people, friends, and family members who communicate and interact differently.

All these issues can represent different hurdles for a Cary, NC veteran. It’s our job to help them navigate this new world so that the transition from being in the service to being a member of society is a much simpler process.

Get Started with Us

Our team is ready to help. Please contact us for more information.
2500 Regency Parkway, Cary, NC 27518
(410) 884-6031

Counseling vs Therapy: Which One Is Right for You?

There are several important differences between counseling and therapy that Cary, NC veterans should be aware of. Counseling is typically a solution that allows a veteran to define short-term goals and objectives with a Focused Solutions counselor. Each counseling session follows up on whether those goals were attained and – if not – what the next steps would be.

Therapy is for a Cary, NC veteran who requires help with mental illness, trauma, depression, or anxiety. Therapy is more of a long-term solution to solving common problems like PTSD. In many cases, multiple, months-long therapy sessions are needed so that the veteran can overcome deeply rooted trauma, grief, or extreme sadness.

If you are a Cary, NC veteran who feels your mental health has suffered, then therapy is probably best for you. These are the situations where you find your depression and anxiety affect how you work, how you interact with people, and most importantly, how it affects your relationships with family and loved ones.

If you are a veteran who does not suffer from mental health problems but is more frustrated with a life challenge or obstacle and just needs some guidance, then counseling is probably your best option. The benefit of the services offered by Focused Solutions is that a therapist or counselor can help you make this all-important decision.

counseling services for veterans cary nc

Get in Contact With Us Today!

You deserve to live a happy life with great relationships and friendships. At Focused Solutions, we can help you get there by lending a compassionate ear and providing much-needed assistance. If you need to speak to a counselor or therapist about something bothering you, contact us now.